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10 Essential Pages For Coaches And Service Providers
Having a website for your business is super important. But if you want your website to be effective, it has to have all the necessary pages for a coaching or a service provider website.
Five Traits of a Well-Designed Brand
A strong and strategic brand is a powerful tool that can fuel your business growth. It allows you to connect with your audience and leaves a lasting impression on your website visitors and social media followers.
But what exactly is a strong, strategic, and well-designed brand?
That’s what I’m going to cover in today’s post.
7 Designer Hacks To Make Your Website Look Less DIY
As a Squarespace designer, I’ve seen my fair share of websites that fall into various categories of the good, the bad, and the ugly. While it’s totally possible to design a beautiful Squarespace website on your own, the truth is there are a few things that immediately give away a DIY website. In this quick post, I want to share with you my six design hacks to make your website look less DIY and more attractive.
5 Ways Professional Branding Can Transform Your Small Business
Professional branding can be a game-changer for you and your business when done well. But what exactly is it, and why should you invest time and energy in building your professional brand? That’s what I’ll answer in this article.
What Is Brand Onlyness Statement And Why It Matters
Simply put, a brand onlyness statement is a concise statement that explains what you uniquely stand for and offer. Think of it as a more extended, more precisely defined version of your brand's mission statement.
How to Design A Website On Any Budget
You can design a website on any budget. It’s just a matter of deciding which option is the best choice for you and your budget. You should also take into consideration how much time you have to dedicate to this project.
How to make your website appeal to your ideal clients
Before you jump into your site-building platform of choice, there’s one thing you absolutely must do. And that is to make sure that your website appeals to your ideal clients. Without that, your ideal visitor may land on your website and leave shortly after without subscribing to your email list, reaching out to you or buying anything you offer.
Do You Really Need a Website in 2023?
If you’re on the fence about creating a new website for your business, let me save you the time and the headache and give it to you straight — yes, in 2023 you still need a website.
How to Find and Optimize Images for Your Website
Images are one of the most important elements of your website. They help you tell your story and they can make or break your design.
So, how do you actually choose images to use on your website and, more importantly where do you find those images? So that's what I'm going to cover in this post.
How to Brand Your Social Media Profiles
Branding your social media profiles and maintaining brand consistency throughout your entire online presence is important. But how do you actually do that? That's what today's post is all about.
Squarespace Templates vs Custom Website Design: Which Option Is Best For You?
Both Squarespace templates and custom design are great options for designing your website but which option is best for you? That's what this post is all about. Keep reading to help you decide which option to choose.
Should you DIY or hire a designer?
Should you DIY or hire a designer? Both options are valid choices but there are times when one makes more sense than the other.
7 Things Potential Clients Want to See Before Hiring You
Before potential clients take the plunge and hire you, there are some things you must have on your site. Those things will help make your website even more attractive to your visitors and make it easier for them to decide to work with you.
How to prepare for a website redesign
If you’re thinking about redesigning your website, you’ll need a solid website redesign plan first. Learn everything that goes into a successful website redesign process in this post.
How To Prepare For A New Website
So you decided to get a new website for your business. First off all, congrats! That’s a great decision but it’s also a big one, which leads me to my second point: before you jump straight into the design process, there are a few things you’ll need to prepare, whether you’ve decided to DIY or work with a designer to handle all of the design and tech for you.