20 Beautiful and free elegant fonts
I have a confession to make: I am a font addict. As a designer, I love filling my library with all kinds of design-related goodies but my top favorite resource have to be fonts. And elegant fonts happen to be one of my favorite category. So today, I’m sharing with you 20 best elegant fonts that are absolutely free to download and use (yes, even for commercial purposes!).
These elegant fonts are a great choice if you want to give your brand a high-end look and feel. Check them out below and have fun using them!
1. Olivia | 2. Thinoo | 3. Hanson | 4. Carrington | 5. Chantelli Antiqua
6. Caviar Dreams | 7. Lane | 8. Lemon Chicken | 9. Vollkorn
10. Bebas Neue | 11. Coco | 12. Oranienbaum | 13. Yeseva One
14. Foglighten | 15. Ostrich Sans | 16. Oswald | 17. Questa Grande
18. Calluna Regular | 19. Beau | 20. Soria | 21. Abhaya Libre