Five Fast (and totally FREE!) Ways to Promote Your Business And Website

Show me a business owner that doesn’t want more clients and I’ll show you a man who landed on the Sun and lived to tell the tale.

If you’ve done any type of research on promoting and growing your business, I’m sure you’ve come across the advice of using social media to promote your products and services, adding a blog to your website, guest posting, or attending networking events.

Don’t get me wrong, these tactics do work but, they are also used by everyone. And sometimes, you need to go the extra mile to stand out.

In this post, I want to share with you five alternative and creative ways of promoting your business and your website that aren’t your typical advice, yet they do lead to great results.

Five Fast and Free Ways To Promote Your Business And Website To Get More Clients

You can do these activities on a daily or weekly basis. Create a recurring task in your favorite task manager to remember to do them and pretty soon, you’ll start seeing results.

Read this post to learn about five alternative and creative ways of promoting your business and your website that aren’t your typical advice, yet they do lead to great results. #marketingtips | How to market your business | get more clients | how to…

Take Advantage of LinkedIn

Did you know that LinkedIn traffic converts better than Facebook and Twitter? If you’re not using LinkedIn to promote your business, now is the best time to take advantage of it. After all, it is a social media network perfect for business owners and entrepreneurs.

There are three main ways to capitalize on LinkedIn’s power:

  • LinkedIn Groups – LinkedIn is full of groups filled with potential partners and customers. Find a group that’s relative to your industry and participate the same way you would in a Facebook group – answer questions, start a discussion, share a tip or a tool that helped you, and go above and beyond to be helpful.

  • LinkedIn Posts – You can also promote your business and website with LinkedIn Posts. You can share up to 700 characters on your profile and 1300 characters on your company page. If you blog on your site regularly, take advantage of this to share a link to your latest blog post. Or use it to announce a new service, open enrollment period, course launches, and more.

  • LinkedIn Articles – If you want to get more exposure for your content, consider repurposing some of your older blog posts and sharing them on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. It’s equal to having your blog post published on the authority blog in your niche which leads to more connections and ultimately more eyeballs on your business.

Add Video To Your Marketing Efforts

By now, you probably know that video is a powerful marketing tool. With Facebook Live, IG Stories, Reels, IGTV, and other platforms; there has never been a better time to jump on the video bandwagon. Add to that the fact that YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet and it’s easy to see how a video can benefit your business.

The videos you create don’t always have to be livestreams – depending on your niche, you can post a video that demonstrates your product in use, behind-the-scenes look into how you create a course, a client testimonial, or the process that goes into product creation.

At the end of each video, include a call to action that tells people what to do. Do you want them to grab your freebie? Sign up for an exclusive coupon? Book a complimentary consultation session? Whatever you CTA is, be sure it leads back to your business website.

Answer a HARO query

If you’ve never heard of HARO, it stands for Help A Reporter Out. It connects journalists with relevant expert sources to help journalists meet their deadlines while enabling brands to spread the word about their business. Every time you answer a pitch, you increase your chances of getting high-quality inbound links, great PR, and referral traffic to your site.

Join Quora and Submit Answers

Not only can Quora serve as a great way to come up with blog topics, it’s also an excellent opportunity to position yourself as an authority. You can sign up for a daily email digest of questions related to your industry and provide a short and concise answer to the question, linking back to your site for a more detailed answer. You can also sign up for a Quora blog and use it in the same fashion as LinkedIn Pulse.

Book a Speaking Gig

You know that in-person networking and attending conferences is good for building relationships. But, have you ever considered using your experience to create a short presentation and pitching it to event organizers?

Having a keynote speaker is beneficial to event organizers as an additional incentive to promote their event and have people attend and at the same time, it helps you get the word out about your business. Don’t forget to prepare handouts for the event which include your website’s link.

As a bonus, record the gig via audio or video and then upload it to YouTube or iTunes which can then be shared across the web.

Are You Ready To Get More Clients?

There are plenty of other ways to promote your business and your website but I hope you’ll use this post as a starting point and come up with even more ways to spread the word about your products or services.

And if you need more website help, be sure to watch my free website training below and learn how to create a website that converts:

More marketing and business posts this way:

Ana Lea Amelio

Hey! I’m Ana Lea and I help you create client-winning website and content strategy that attracts, connects, and converts visitors into clients. Get started right away with my free website workshop

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