How to Book More Clients with Your Services Page

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Your services page is one of the most important pages on your website, whether you're providing coaching services, consulting services, or any other type of service such as copywriting, branding, or similar.

As a result, it has three primary goals. It has to convert people who are the right fit to work with you, weed out and repel bad clients, and address as many objections as possible that people might have about working with you.

How do you do that? Well, that's what I'm going to cover in today's post.

Do this on your services page to book more clients

Explain the Biggest Benefit Your Service Offers

One of the first things that you want to do on your services page is make sure that when somebody lands on it, they know immediately what results they can expect to get from you. In other words, you need to include a benefit-driven statement at the very top of the page. Don’t overcomplicate this — make it super simple to understand and ideally, you’d want to use the words that your ideal clients would use to describe their dream end result.

So for example, let's say that you're a photographer and you specialize in family portraits. The end result that your clients want might be to get everlasting memories with their photos. So for example, your benefit-driven statement would be, create everlasting memories that you will look upon with fondness years from now.

Obviously, I'm not a photographer, so I'm not very versed in what a photographer’s ideal client would want. But, as a service provider, you need to know what is the ideal end result your dream clients want and you need to make it instantly visible.

Now, immediately below that you want to tell them what it is exactly that they will get when they sign up to work with you. So this could be family portraits and photography in Tampa Bay area.

Back It Up With Testimonials and Social Proof

Once you've told them what it is and what they can expect, what is included and spoke a little bit more about the benefits; you want to back up those claims with testimonials and social proof. So you want to showcase testimonials from your past clients. Or, you can also insert a link to read a case study. And this shows them that you have a proven track record of helping people get what they want which builds up your know, like, and trust factor.

Explain Your Unique Process

After that, you want to give them a broad picture overview of your framework, your methodology, or the steps that you will use to get them from point A which is where they are right now, to point B which is where they want to be.

Now, obviously as a service provider, you probably have a lot of steps that your clients go through to get to that from that point A to point B, but your services page does not need to include every single step. Listing every single step will more than likely overwhelm them so keep this short between 3-5 steps that zero in on the main milestones in your process.

You also want to give them an overview of a length of time that it'll take them to actually go through that process. How long does it last? How long before they can see the results?

How Many Clients Do You Take On At One Time?

You also want to let them know how many spots you have available, because this can serve as a sort of a scarcity thing, which can boost your conversions. Don't want to go overboard and tell them that you have only two spots available if you have five spots available, because that is false scarcity and people will pick up on that.

It is always easy to find that out. But if for example, you only really have two slots available, then tell them two slots that are available for this month, two slots for this month, and two slots for that month. Keep it simple. You can literally just list out the start dates and then as spots start filling out, remember to go back to your services page and cross out the ones that aren't available. Or you can insert a calendar and give them an overview of when the start and end dates are for each package or client spot that you have.

Include a Guarantee

Include some sort of a guarantee that'll tell them what happens if they're not happy. While nobody wants their clients to be unhappy, I find it’s important to give your clients a peace of mind by eliminating any potential objections. If your website visitor is very new to your world and has never worked with you before, it’s natural for them to be sceptical and wonder if your result will truly work with them. This is even more true if they’ve been burned before by someone else in your industry.

So as a way to alleviate that concern; tell them what happens if they’re not happy with the results. This can include an extra set of revisions, or an extra coaching call, or additional materials that they can go through, or something along those lines.

When you give them that guarantee, in most cases, they usually never have a problem with your service and they usually walk away happy.

Make It Easy to Apply Or Start The Process

The last thing that I like to include on the services page is an application form right then and there. This may seem redundant if you have a contact page with a contact form. But keep in mind that your contact form is for general purposes, not necessarily for client inquiries alone. So it can get messy with all the other inquiries that you receive.

It’s easier to include a specific contact or application form right there on the services page, because that just makes it easier for people who are ready to take that next step to take it right then and there, instead of having to click through to your contact page.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it. With a few simple tweaks to your services, page, you can easily start to see more inquiries. And if you want to learn how to build your dream website the easy way, be sure to watch my free website workshop. Click the picture below to sign up and watch instantly.

For more tips and tricks, check out these articles:

Ana Lea Amelio

Hey! I’m Ana Lea and I help you create client-winning website and content strategy that attracts, connects, and converts visitors into clients. Get started right away with my free website workshop

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